
Module containing Fortran2008 Attr_Spec rule R502

Module Contents



Fortran 2008 rule R502.

class fparser.two.Fortran2008.attr_spec_r502.Attr_Spec(string, parent_cls=None)[source]

Bases: fparser.two.Fortran2003.Attr_Spec

Fortran 2008 rule R502.

attr-spec is access-spec
             or ALLOCATABLE
             or ASYNCHRONOUS
             or CODIMENSION lbracket coarray-spec rbracket
             or CONTIGUOUS
             or DIMENSION ( array-spec )
             or EXTERNAL
             or INTENT ( intent-spec )
             or INTRINSIC
             or language-binding-spec
             or OPTIONAL
             or PARAMETER
             or POINTER
             or PROTECTED
             or SAVE
             or TARGET
             or VALUE
             or VOLATILE

In the spec above, lbracket and rbracket are left and right square brackets [] but not printed explicitly to avoid misinterpretation as optional parts.

This rule adds CODIMENSION and CONTIGUOUS attributes to Fortran2003’s R503.

use_names = [][source]
static match(string)[source]

Implements the matching for attributes of types.


string (str) – the string to match as attribute.


None if there is no match, otherwise a 1-tuple containing the matched string.

Return type:

NoneType or (str,)