Developer Guide

Reading Fortran

A key part of the fparser package is support for reading Fortran code. fparser.common.readfortran.FortranFileReader provides this functionality for source files while FortranStringReader supports Fortran source provided as a string. Both of these classes sub-class FortranReaderBase:

class fparser.common.readfortran.FortranReaderBase(source, mode, ignore_comments)[source]

Base class for reading Fortran sources.

A Fortran source must be a file-like object (have a .next() method) and it may hold Fortran 77 code, fixed format Fortran code, free format Fortran code, or PYF signatures (with extended free format Fortran syntax).

  • source (StringIO or a file handle) – a file-like object with .next() method used to retrive a line.

  • mode (fparser.common.sourceinfo.Format) – a FortranFormat object as returned by sourceinfo.get_source_info()

  • isstrict (bool) – whether we are strictly enforcing fixed format.

  • ignore_comments (bool) – whether or not to discard comments.

The Fortran source is iterated by get_single_line, get_next_line, put_single_line methods.

Note that the setting for ignore_comments provided here can be overridden on a per-call basis by methods such as get_single_line. The ‘mode’ of the reader is controlled by passing in a suitable instance of the FortranFormat class:

class fparser.common.sourceinfo.FortranFormat(is_free, is_strict, enable_f2py=False)[source]

Describes the nature of a piece of Fortran source.

Source can be fixed or free format. It can also be “strict” or “not strict” although it’s not entirely clear what that means. It may refer to the strictness of adherance to fixed format although what that means in the context of free format I don’t know.

  • is_free (bool) – True for free format, False for fixed.

  • is_strict (bool) – some amount of strictness.

  • enable_f2py (bool) – whether f2py directives are enabled or treated as comments (the default).

Due to its origins in the f2py project, the reader contains support for recognising f2py directives ( However, this functionality is disabled by default.

A convenience script called is provided in the scripts directory which takes a filename as input and returns the file reader’s representation of that file. This could be useful for debugging purposes.

Invalid input

The file reader uses open() to open a Fortran file. If invalid input is found then Python raises a UnicodeDecodeError exception by default. Since we typically wish to skip invalid characters (on the principle that, for valid Fortran, they can only occur in comments) while logging their presence, a bespoke error handler named “fparser-logging” is implemented in fparser/ and registered using codecs.register_error(). This handler may be specified when using open() to open a file by supplying the errors='fparser-logging' argument.


Fparser2 supports Fortran2003 and is being extended to support Fortran2008. Fparser2 is being actively developed and will fully replace fparser1 in the future.


Each version of the Fortran language is defined as a set of rules in a specification document. The Fortran2003 rules are specified here and the Fortran2008 rules are specified here

Each rule has a number, for example the Fortran2003 document includes the following top level rules R201 and R202

R201 program is program-unit
                [ program-unit ] ...

R202 program-unit is main-program
                     or external-subprogram
                     or module
                     or block-data

It can be seen that the right hand side of these rules consist of more rules. Note, [] means that the content is optional. At some point in the rule hierarchy rules start to be defined by text. For example, taking a look at the specification of a module

R1104 module is module-stmt
                [ specification-part ]
                [ module-subprogram-part ]

R1105 module-stmt is MODULE module-name

R1106 end-module-stmt is END [ MODULE [ module-name ] ]

it can be seen that rules R1105 and R1106 specify the actual code to write e.g. MODULE. Here module-name is a type of name which has a rule specifying what is valid syntax (see the specification document for more details).

Therefore Fortran is specified as rules which reference other rules, or specify a particular syntax. The top level rule of this hierarchy is rule R201, which defines a program, see above.


In fparser2 each rule is implemented in a class with the class names closely following the rule names. For example, program is implemented by the Program class and program-unit is implemented by the Program_Unit class. In general, the name of the class corresponding to a given rule can be obtained by replacing ‘-’ with ‘_’ and capitalising each word.

The Fortran2003 classes exist in the file and the Fortran2008 classes exist in the file (see Fortran2008 implementation section for Fortran2008-specific implementation details).

The Fortran2003 and Fortran2008 classes can inherit from a set of pre-existing base classes which implement certain rule patterns in a generic way. The base classes are contained in the file.

The base classes and rule patterns are discussed more in the Base classes section.

The primary components of classes i.e. the parts that developers typically need to be concerned with are:

  1. the subclass_names list

  2. the use_names list

  3. the static match method

  4. the tostr method

A subclass_names list of classes should be provided when the rule is a simple choice between classes. In this case the Base class ensures that each child class is tested for a match and the one that matches is returned. An example of a simple choice rule is R202. See the Program_Unit Class (rule R202) section for a description of its implementation.

The use_names list should contain any classes that are referenced by the implementation of the current class. These lists of names are aggregated (along with subclass_names) and used to ensure that all necessary Scalar_, _List and _Name classes are generated (in code at the end of the Fortran2003 and Fortran2008 modules - see Class Generation).

When the rule is not a simple choice the developer needs to supply a static match method. An example of this is rule R201. See the Program Class (rule R201) section for a description of its implementation.


A tostr description, explanation and example needs to be added.

Class Relationships

When a rule is a simple choice, the class implementing this rule provides a list of classes to be matched in the subclass_names list (or potentially use_names list). These class names are provided as strings, not references to the classes themselves.

In fparser2 these strings are used to create class references to allow matching to be performed. The creation of class references is implemented by the create method of the ParserFactory object.

The create method of the ParserFactory class also links to appropriate classes to create parsers compliant to the specified standard.


The ParserFactory implementation needs to be explained.

A parser conforming to a particular Fortran standard is created by a ParserFactory object. For example:

>>> from fparser.two.parser import ParserFactory
>>> parser_f2003 = ParserFactory().create(std="f2003")

The create method returns a Program class (called parser_f2003 in the above example) which contains a subclasses dictionary (declared in its base class - called Base) configured with all the Fortran2003 class relationships specified by the subclass_names and use_names lists in each class.

As all classes inherit from the Base class, the subclasses dictionary is available to all classes. If, for example, we query the dictionary for the Program class relationships we get an empty list as it has no subclass_names or use_names entries specified (see Program Class (rule R201)). If however, we query the dictionary for the Program_unit relationships we get the list of classes specified in that classes subclass_names list (see Program_Unit Class (rule R202)):

>>> parser_f2003.__name__
>>> parser_f2003.subclasses['Program']
>>> parser_f2003.subclasses['Program_Unit']
[<class 'fparser.two.Fortran2003.Main_Program'>, <class 'fparser.two.Fortran2003.Function_Subprogram'>, <class 'fparser.two.Fortran2003.Subroutine_Subprogram'>, <class 'fparser.two.Fortran2003.Module'>, <class 'fparser.two.Fortran2003.Block_Data'>]

Symbol Table

There are many situations when it is not possible to disambiguate the precise form of the Fortran being parsed without additional type information (e.g. whether code of the form a(i,j) is an array access or a function call). Therefore fparser2 contains a single, global instance of a SymbolTables class, accessed as fparser.two.symbol_table.SYMBOL_TABLES. As its name implies, this holds a collection of symbol tables, one for each top-level scoping unit (e.g. module or program unit). This is implemented as a dictionary where the keys are the names of the scoping units e.g. the name of the associated module, program, subroutine or function. The corresponding dictionary entries are instances of the SymbolTable class:

class fparser.two.symbol_table.SymbolTable(name, parent=None, checking_enabled=False, node=None)[source]

Class implementing a single symbol table.

Since this functionality is not yet fully mature, checks that new symbols don’t clash with existing symbols are disabled by default. Once #201 is complete it is planned to switch this so that the checks are instead enabled by default.

  • name (str) – the name of this scope. Will be the name of the associated module or routine.

  • parent (fparser.two.symbol_table.SymbolTable.Symbol) – the symbol table within which this one is nested (if any).

  • checking_enabled (bool) – whether or not validity checks are performed for symbols added to the table.

  • node (Optional[fparser.two.utils.Base]) – the node in the parse tree associated with this table.


TypeError – if the supplied node is of the wrong type.

class Symbol(name, primitive_type)[source]

Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Adds a child symbol table (scoping region nested within this one).


child (fparser.two.symbol_table.SymbolTable) – the nested symbol table.


TypeError – if the supplied child is not a SymbolTable.

add_data_symbol(name, primitive_type)[source]

Creates a new Symbol with the specified properties and adds it to the symbol table. The supplied name is converted to lower case.

TODO #201 add support for other symbol properties (kind, shape and visibility).

  • name (str) – the name of the symbol.

  • primitive_type (str) – the primitive type of the symbol.

  • TypeError – if any of the supplied parameters are of the wrong type.

  • SymbolTableError – if the symbol table already contains an entry with the supplied name.

add_use_symbols(name, only_list=None, rename_list=None)[source]

Creates an entry in the table for the USE of a module with the supplied name. If no only_list is supplied then this USE represents a wildcard import of all public symbols in the named module. If the USE statement has an ONLY clause but without any named symbols then only_list should be an empty list.

A USE can also have one or more rename entries without an only list.

  • name (str) – the name of the module being imported via a USE. Not case sensitive.

  • only_list (Optional[List[Tuple[str, str | NoneType]]]) – if there is an ‘only:’ clause on the USE statement then this contains a list of tuples, each holding the local name of the symbol and its name in the module from which it is imported. These names are case insensitive.

  • rename_list (Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]]) – a list of symbols that are renamed from the scope being imported. Each entry is a tuple containing the name in the local scope and the corresponding name in the module from which it is imported. These names are case insensitive.

property all_symbols_resolved[source]

whether all symbols in this scope have been resolved. i.e. if there are any wildcard imports or this table is within a submodule then there could be symbols we don’t have definitions for.

Return type:


property children[source]

the child (nested) symbol tables, if any.

Return type:

list of fparser.two.symbol_table.SymbolTable


Removes the named symbol table.


name (str) – the name of the child symbol table to delete (not case sensitive).


KeyError – if the named table is not a child of this one.


Lookup the symbol with the supplied name.


name (str) – the name of the symbol to lookup (not case sensitive).


the named symbol.

Return type:



KeyError – if the named symbol cannot be found in this or any parent scope.

property name[source]

the name of this symbol table (scoping region).

Return type:


property node[source]

the scoping node (in the parse tree) asssociated with this SymbolTable.

Return type:


property parent[source]

the parent symbol table (scoping region) that contains this one (if any).

Return type:

fparser.two.symbol_table.SymbolTable or NoneType

property root[source]

the top-level symbol table that contains the current scoping region (symbol table).

Return type:


property wildcard_imports[source]

names of all modules with wildcard imports into this scope or an empty list if there are none.

Return type:


The entries in these tables are instances of the named tuple, SymbolTable.Symbol which currently has the properties:

  • name

  • primitive_type

Both of these are stored as strings. In future, support for more properties (e.g. kind, shape, visibility) will be added and strings replaced with enumerations where it makes sense. Similarly, support will be added for other types of symbols (e.g. those representing program/subroutine names or reserved Fortran keywords).

Symbols available in the scoping region of a module may be made available in another scoping region through one or more USE statements. In a SymbolTable such uses are captured as instances of ModuleUse:

class fparser.two.symbol_table.ModuleUse(name, only_list=None, rename_list=None)[source]

Class capturing information on all USE statements referring to a given Fortran module.

A USE statement can rename an imported symbol so as to avoid a clash in the local scope, e.g. USE my_mod, alocal => amod where amod is the name of the symbol declared in my_mod. This renaming can also occur inside an Only_List, e.g. USE my_mod, only: alocal => amod.

  • name (str) – the name of the module.

  • only_list (Optional[List[Tuple[str, str | NoneType]]]) – list of 2-tuples giving the (local-name, module-name) of symbols that appear in an Only_List. If a symbol is not re-named then module-name can be None.

  • rename_list (Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]]) – list of 2-tuples given the (local-name, module-name) of symbols that appear in a Rename_List.


TypeError – if any of the supplied parameters are of the wrong type.

These instances are created by calling:

SymbolTable.add_use_symbols(name, only_list=None, rename_list=None)[source]

Creates an entry in the table for the USE of a module with the supplied name. If no only_list is supplied then this USE represents a wildcard import of all public symbols in the named module. If the USE statement has an ONLY clause but without any named symbols then only_list should be an empty list.

A USE can also have one or more rename entries without an only list.

  • name (str) – the name of the module being imported via a USE. Not case sensitive.

  • only_list (Optional[List[Tuple[str, str | NoneType]]]) – if there is an ‘only:’ clause on the USE statement then this contains a list of tuples, each holding the local name of the symbol and its name in the module from which it is imported. These names are case insensitive.

  • rename_list (Optional[List[Tuple[str, str]]]) – a list of symbols that are renamed from the scope being imported. Each entry is a tuple containing the name in the local scope and the corresponding name in the module from which it is imported. These names are case insensitive.

Fortran has support for nested scopes - e.g. variables declared within a module are in scope within any routines defined within that module. Therefore, when searching for the definition a symbol, we require the ability to search up through all symbol tables accessible from the current scope. In order to support this functionality, each SymbolTable instance therefore has a parent property. This holds a reference to the table that contains the current table (if any).

Since fparser2 relies heavily upon recursion, it is important that the current scoping unit always be available from any point in the code. Therefore, the SymbolTables class has the current_scope property which contains a reference to the current SymbolTable. Obviously, this property must be updated as the parser enters and leaves scoping units. This is handled for all cases bar one within the BlockBase base class since this is sub-classed by all classes which represent a block of code and that therefore includes all those which define a scoping region. The exception is the helper class Fortran2003.Main_Program0 which represents Program units that do not include the (optional) program-stmt (see R1101 in the Fortran standard). The creation of a scoping unit for such a program is handled within the Fortran2003.Main_Program0.match() method. Since there is no name associated with such a program, the corresponding symbol table is given the name “fparser2:main_program”, chosen so as to prevent any clashes with other Fortran names.

Those classes which define scoping regions must subclass the ScopingRegionMixin class:

class fparser.two.utils.ScopingRegionMixin[source]

Mixin class for use in all classes that represent a scoping region and thus have an associated symbol table.

Class Generation

Some classes that are specified as strings in the subclass_names or use_names variables do not require class implementations. There are 3 categories of these:

  1. classes of the form ‘*_Name’

  2. classes of the form ‘*_List’

  3. classes of the form ‘Scalar_*’

The reason for this is that such classes can be written in a generic, boiler-plate way so it is simpler if these are generated rather than them having to be hand written.

At the end of the and files there is code that is executed when the file is imported. This code generates the required classes described above in the local file.


The way this is implemented needs to be described.

As a practical example, consider rule R1106

R1106 end-module-stmt is END [ MODULE [ module-name ] ]

which is implemented in the following way

class End_Module_Stmt(EndStmtBase):  # R1106
    ''' <description> '''
    subclass_names = []
    use_names = ['Module_Name']

    def match(string):
        return EndStmtBase.match('MODULE', Module_Name, string)

It can be seen that the Module_Name class is specified as a string in the use_names variable. The Module_Name class has no implementation in the file, the class is generated. This code generation is performed when the file is imported.


At the moment the same code-generation code is replicated in both the and files. It would be better to import this code from a separate file if it is possible to do so.

Base classes

There are a number of base classes implemented to support matching certain types of pattern in a rule. The two most commonly used are given below. As mentioned earlier, the class Base supports a choice between classes. The class BlockBase supports an initial and final match with optional subclasses inbetween (useful for matching rules such as programs, subroutines, if statements etc.).

class fparser.two.utils.Base(string, parent_cls=None)[source]

Base class for Fortran 2003 syntax rules.

All Base classes have the following attributes:

self.string - original argument to construct a class instance, its
              type is either str or FortranReaderBase.
self.item   - Line instance (holds label) or None.
property children[source]

Return an iterable containing the immediate children of this node in the parse tree.

If this node represents an expression then its children are contained in a tuple which is immutable. Therefore, the manipulation of the children of such a node must be done by replacing the items property of the node directly rather than via the objects returned by this method.


the immediate children of this node.

Return type:

list or tuple containing zero or more of fparser.two.utils.Base or NoneType or str


Gets the node at the root of the parse tree to which this node belongs.


the node at the root of the parse tree.

Return type:



Store the supplied list of nodes in the items list of this node.


items (tuple of fparser.two.utils.Base) – the children of this node.

tofortran(tab='', isfix=None)[source]

Produce the Fortran representation of this Comment.

  • tab (str) – characters to pre-pend to output.

  • isfix (bool) – whether or not this is fixed-format code.


Fortran representation of this comment.

Return type:


class fparser.two.utils.BlockBase(string, parent_cls=None)[source]

Base class for matching all block constructs:

<block-base> = [ <startcls> ]
                 [ <subcls> ]...
                 [ <subcls> ]...
                 [ <endcls> ]

Initialise the content attribute with the list of child nodes.


content (list of fparser.two.utils.Base or NoneType) – list of nodes that are children of this one.

static match(startcls, subclasses, endcls, reader, match_labels=False, match_names=False, match_name_classes=(), enable_do_label_construct_hook=False, enable_if_construct_hook=False, enable_where_construct_hook=False, strict_order=False, strict_match_names=False)[source]

Checks whether the content in reader matches the given type of block statement (e.g. DO..END DO, IF…END IF etc.)

  • startcls (type) – the class marking the beginning of the block

  • subclasses (list) – list of classes that can be children of the block.

  • endcls (type) – the class marking the end of the block.

  • reader (str or instance of FortranReaderBase) – content to check for match.

  • match_labels (bool) – whether or not the statement terminating the block must have a label that matches the opening statement. Default is False.

  • match_names (bool) – TBD

  • match_name_classes (tuple) – TBD

  • enable_do_label_construct_hook (bool) – TBD

  • enable_if_construct_hook (bool) – TBD

  • enable_where_construct_hook (bool) – TBD

  • strict_order (bool) – whether to enforce the order of the given subclasses.

  • strict_match_names (bool) – if start name present, end name must exist and match.


instance of startcls or None if no match is found

Return type:


tofortran(tab='', isfix=None)[source]

Create a string containing the Fortran representation of this class

  • tab (str) – indent to prefix to code.

  • isfix (bool) – whether or not to generate fixed-format code.


Fortran representation of this class.

Return type:



The BlockBase match method is complicated. One way to simplify this would be to create a NamedBlockBase which subclasses BlockBase. This would include the code associated with a block having a name.

Fortran2008 implementation

As Fortran2008 is a superset of Fortran2003, the Fortran2008 classes are implemented as extensions to the Fortran2003 classes where possible. For example, the Fortran2003 rule for a program-unit is:

R202 program-unit is main-program
                     or external-subprogram
                     or module
                     or block-data

and for Fortran2008 it is

R202 program-unit is main-program
                     or external-subprogram
                     or module
                     or submodule
                     or block-data

Therefore to implement the Fortran2008 version of this class, the Fortran2003 version needs to be extended with the subclass_names list being extended to include a Submodule class as a string (of course the Submodule class also needs to be implemented!)

>>> from fparser.two.Fortran2003 import Program_Unit as Program_Unit_2003

>>> class Program_Unit(Program_Unit_2003):  # R202
>>>       ''' <description> '''
>>>       subclass_names = Program_Unit_2003.subclass_names[:]
>>>       subclass_names.append("Submodule")

Program Class (rule R201)

As discussed earlier, Fortran rule R201 is the ‘top level’ Fortran rule. There are no other rules that reference rule R201. The rule looks like this:

R201 program is program-unit
                [ program-unit ] ...

which specifies that a Fortran program can consist of one or more program units. Note, the above rule does not capture the fact that it is valid to have an arbitrary number of comments before the first program-unit, inbetween program-units and after the final program-unit.

As the above rule is not a simple choice between different rules a static match method is required for the associated fparser2 Program class.

As discussed earlier there are a number of base classes implemented to support matching certain types of pattern in a rule. The obvious one to use here would be BlockBase as it supports a compulsory first class, an arbitrary number of optional intermediate classes (provided as a list) and a final class. Therefore, subclassing BlockBase and setting the first class to Program_Unit, the intermediate classes to [Program_Unit], and the final class to None would seem to perform the required functionality (and this was how it was implemented in earlier versions of fparser2).

However, there is a problem using BlockBase. In the case where there is no final class (which is the situation here) it is valid for the first class to match and for an optional class to fail to match. This is not the required behaviour for the Program class as, if an optional Program_Unit exists then it must be a valid Program_Unit or the code is invalid. For example, the following code is invalid as there is a misspelling of subroutine:

program test
subroutin broken

To implement the required functionality for the Program class, the static match method is written manually. A while loop is used to ensure that there is no match if any Program_Unit is invalid.

There are also two contraints that must be adhered to by the Program class:

  1. Only one program unit may be a main program

  2. Any name used by a program-unit (e.g. program fred) must be distinct from names used in other program-units.

At the moment neither of these two contraints are enforced in fparser2. Therefore two xfailing tests test_one_main1 and test_multiple_error1 have been added to the tests/fortran2003/ file to demonstrate these limitations.

Further, in Fortran the program declaration is actually optional. For example, the following is a valid (minimal) Fortran program:


fparser2 does not support the above syntax in its Program_Unit class. Therefore as a workaround, a separate Program_Unit0 class has been implemented and added as a final test to the Program match method. This does make use of BlockBase to match and therefore requires the Program class to subclass BlockBase.


It would be much better if Program_Unit was coded to support optional program declarations and this option should be investigated.

The current implementation also has a limitation in that multiple program-units with one of them not having a program declaration are not supported. The xfailing test test_missing_prog_multi has been added to the tests/fortran2003/ file to demonstrate this limitation.

A final issue is that the line numbers and line information output is incorrect in certain cases where there is a syntax error in the code and there are 5 spaces before a statement. The xfailing tests test_single2 and test_single3 have been added to the tests/fortran2003/ file to demonstrate this error.

Program_Unit Class (rule R202)

Fortran2003 rule r202 is specified as

R202 program-unit is main-program
                     or external-subprogram
                     or module
                     or block-data

As the above rule is a simple choice between different rules, the appropriate matching code is already implemented in one of the base classes (Base) and therefore does not need to be written. Instead, the rules on the right hand side can be provided as strings in the subclass_names list. The use_names list should be empty and the tostr method is not required (as there is no text to output because this rule is simply used to decide what other rules to use).


it is currently unclear when to use subclass_names and when to use use_names. At the moment the pragmatic suggestion is to follow the way it is currently done.

Therefore to implement rule R202 the following needs to be specified

class Program_Unit(Base):  # R202
    ''' <description> '''
    subclass_names = ['Comment', 'Main_Program', 'External_Subprogram',
                      'Module', 'Block_Data']

In this way fparser2 captures the R202 rule hierarchy in its Program_Unit class.


There are 7 types of exception raised in fparser2: NoMatchError, FortranSyntaxError, ValueError, InternalError, AssertionError and NotImplementedError.

A baseclass FparserException is included which NoMatchError, FortranSyntaxError and InternalError subclass. The reason for this is to allow external tools to more simply manage fparser if it is used as a library.

Each of the exceptions are now discussed in turn.

NoMatchError can be raised by a class when the text it is given does not match the pattern for the class. A class can also return an empty return value to indicate no match. It is currently unclear when it is appropriate to do one or the other.

NoMatchError (or an empty return value) does not necessarily mean that the text is invalid, just that the text does not match this class. For example, it may be that some text should match one of a set of rules. In this case all rules would fail to match except one. It is only invalid text if none of the possible rules match.

Usually NoMatchError is raised by a class with no textual information (a string provided as an argument to the exception), as textual information is not required. When textual information is provided this is ignored.


NoMatchError is the place where we can get context-specific information about a syntax error. The problem is that there are typically many NoMatchError`s associated with invalid code. The reason for this is that every (relevant) rule needs to be matched with the associated invalid code. Each of these will return a `NoMatchError. One option would be to always return context-specific information from NoMatchError and somehow aggregate this information until it is known that there is a syntax error. At this point a FortranSyntaxError is raised and the aggregated messages could be used to determine the correct message(s) to return. As a simple example, imagine parsing the following code: us mymodule. This is probably meant to mean use mymodule. The associated rule might return a NoMatchError saying something like use not found. However, there might be a missing = and it could be that an assignment would would also return a NoMatchError saying something like invalid assignment. It is unclear which was the programmers intention. In general, it is probable that the further into a rule one gets the more likely it is a syntax error for that rule, so it may be possible to prune out many NoMatchError`s. There may even be some rule about this i.e. if a hierarchy of rules is matched to a certain depth then it must be a syntax error associated with this rule. However, in general it will not be possible to prune `NoMatchError`s down to one. The first step could be to return context information from `NoMatchError for all failures to match and then look at whether there is an obvious way to prune these when raising a FortranSyntaxError.


Need to add an explanation about when NoMatchError exceptions are used and when a null return is used.

A FortranSyntaxError exception should be raised if the parser does not recognise the syntax. FortranSyntaxError takes two arguments. The first argument is a reader object which allows the line number and text of the line in question to be output. The second argument is text which can be used to give details of the error.

Currently the main use of FortranSyntaxError is to catch either an InternalSyntaxError exception or the final NoMatchError exception and re-raise it with line number and the text of the line to be output. These exceptions are caught and re-raised by overriding the Base class __new__ method in the top level Program class. A limitation of the NoMatchError exception (but not the InternalSyntaxError exception) is that it is not able to give any details of the error, as it knows nothing about which rules failed to match.

FortranSyntaxError should also be used when it is known that there is a match, the match has a syntax error and the line number information is available via the reader object. One issue is that when FortranSyntaxError is raised from such a location, the script may not be able to use the reader’s fifo buffer to extract position information. In this case, position information is not provided in the output. It is possible that if the lines were pushed back into the buffer in the parser code then this problem would not occur.


more information about the error could be determined by inspecting the FortranReader object. In particular, a match can be over a number of lines and the first line could be returned as well as the last. At the moment the last line and the line number are returned.

An InternalSyntaxError exception should be raised when it is known that there is a match and that a syntax error has occured but it is not possible to use the FortranSyntaxError exception as the line number information is not known (typically because the match is part of a line rather than a full line so the input to the associated match method is a string not a reader object). As mentioned earlier, this exception is subsequently picked up and re-raised as a FortranSyntaxError exception with line number information added.

A ValueError exception is raised if an invalid standard is passed to the create method of the ParserFactory class.

An InternalError exception is raised when an unexpected condition is found. Such errors currently specify where there error was, why it happened and request that the authors are contacted.


An additional future idea would be to also wrap the whole code with a general exception handler which subsequently raised an InternalError. This would catch any additional unforseen errors e.g. errors due to the wrong type of data being passed. One implementation would be to have this as the the only place an InternalError is raised, however, it is considered better to check for exceptions where they might happen e.g. a dangling else clause, as appropriate contextual information can be given in the associated error message.


Information needs to be added about the use of NotImplementedError and AssertionError and/or the code needs to be modified. These exceptions come from pre-existing code and it is likely that we would want to remove the AssertionError from fparser. There has also been discussion about using a logger for messages, however, there are currently no known situations where it makes sense to output messages.

Object Hierarchy

Fortran code is parsed by creating the Program object with a FortranReader object as its argument. If the code is parsed successfully then a hierarchy of objects is returned associated with the structure of the original code. For example:

>>> from fparser.common.readfortran import FortranStringReader
>>> code = "program test\nend"
>>> reader = FortranStringReader(code)
>>> ast = parser_f2003(reader)
>>> ast
Program(Main_Program(Program_Stmt('PROGRAM', Name('test')), End_Program_Stmt('PROGRAM', None)))

Therefore the above example creates a Program object, which contains a Main_Program object. The Main_Program object contains a Program_Stmt object followed by an End_Program_Stmt object. The Program_Stmt object contains the PROGRAM text and a Name object. The Name object contains the name of the program i.e. test. The End_Program_Stmt object contains the PROGRAM text and a None for the name as it is not supplied in the original code.

As one might expect, the object hierarchy adheres to the Fortran rule hierarchy presented in the associated Fortran specification document (as each class implements a rule). If one were to manually follow the rules in the specification document to confirm a code was compliant and write down the rules visited on a piece of paper in a hierarchical manner (i.e. also write down which rules triggered subsequent rules) then there would be a one-to-one correspondance between the rules and rule hierarchy written on paper and the objects and object hierarchy returned by fparser2.


Compilers often support extensions to the Fortran standard. fparser2 also does this in certain cases. The suggested way to support this in fparser2 is to add an appropriate name to the EXTENSIONS list in and then support this extension in the appropriate class if the name is found in the EXTENSIONS list. This will allow this list to be modified in the future (e.g. a -std option could force the compiler to throw out any non-standard Fortran).


A number of extensions do not currently follow this convention and are always supported in fparser2 (e.g. support for $ in names). At some point these need to be modified to use the new approach. Eventually, the concept of extensions is expected to be implemented as a configuration file rather than a static list.

Include files

fparser has been extended to support include files as part of the Fortran syntax. This has been implemented in two new classes fparser.two.Fortran2003.Include_Stmt and fparser.two.Fortran2003.Include_Filename. This allows fparser to parse code with unresolved include files.

The filename matching pattern implemented in fparser is that the filename must start with a non-space character and end with a non-space character. This is purposely a very loose restriction because many characters can be used in filenames and different characters may be valid in different operating systems. Note that whilst the term filename is used here it can be a filepath.

The include statement rule is added to the start of the BlockBase match method by integrating it with the comments rule in the add_c_and_i() function. This means that any includes before a BlockBase will be matched.

The include statement rule is also added to the subclasses to match in the BlockBase match method by simply appending it to the existing subclasses (the valid classes between the start and end classes) in the same way that the Comments class is added. This means that any includes within a BlockBase will be matched.

All Fortran rules that are responsible for matching whole line statements (apart from the top level Program rule R201) make use of the BlockBase match method. Therefore by adding support for includes at the beginning and within a BlockBase class we support includes at all possible locations (apart from after the very last statement).

The top level Program rule R201 supports includes at the level of multiple program units by again making use of the add_c_and_i() function before any ‘program units’, between ‘program units’ and after any ‘program units’. This completes all valid locations for include statements, including the missing last statement mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Preprocessing Directives

fparser2 retains preprocessing directives as nodes in the parse tree but does not interpret them. This has been implemented in as a number of classes that have names with the prefix Cpp_. This allows fparser2 to parse code successfully that contains preprocessing directives but reduces to valid Fortran if the directives are omitted.

Similarly to comments, the readers represent preprocessing directives by a dedicated class CppDirective, which is a subclass of Line. This allows directives to be detected early and matches to be limited to source lines that are instances of CppDirective. Matching of directives is performed in the same place as include statements to make sure that they are recognized at all locations in a source file.

Most directives are implemented as subclasses of WORDClsBase or StringBase (with the only exceptions being macro definition and null directive).

Conditional inclusion directives (#if…[#elif…]…#endif or their variants #ifdef/#ifndef) are represented as individual nodes by classes fparser.two.C99Preprocessor.Cpp_If_Stmt, fparser.two.C99Preprocessor.Cpp_Elif_Stmt, fparser.two.C99Preprocessor.Cpp_Else_Stmt, and fparser.two.C99Preprocessor.Cpp_Endif_Stmt but currently not grouped together in any way since directives can appear at any point in a file and thus the span of conditional inclusions may be orthogonal to a Fortran block. In #if(n)def directives the identifier is matched using fparser.two.C99Preprocessor.Cpp_Macro_Identifier and may contain only letters and underscore. In #if or #elif directives the constant expression is matched very loosely by fparser.two.C99Preprocessor.Cpp_Pp_Tokens which accepts any non-empty string.

Include directives (#include) are handled similarly to Fortran include statements with the matching of filenames being done by the same class and therefore with the same (loose) restrictions.

Directives that define macro replacements (#define) contain a macro identifier that is matched using Cpp_Macro_Identifier. This is followed by an optional identifier list in parentheses (and without white space separating identifier and opening parenthesis) that defines parameters to the macro for use in the replacement expression. The identifier list is matched by fparser.two.C99Preprocessor.Cpp_Macro_Identifier_List which, however, does not treat individual identifiers as separate names but matches the entire list as a single string. The replacement expression is matched and represented as Cpp_Pp_Tokens.

The matching of #undef statements is implemented in class fparser.two.C99Preprocessor.Cpp_Undef_Stmt with the identifier again matched by Cpp_Macro_Identifier.

Directives #line, #error, and #warning are implemented in classes fparser.two.C99Preprocessor.Cpp_Line_Stmt, fparser.two.C99Preprocessor.Cpp_Error_Stmt, and fparser.two.C99Preprocessor.Cpp_Warning_Stmt with the corresponding right hand sides matched by Cpp_Pp_Tokens.

A single preprocessing directive token # without any directive is a null statement and is matched by fparser.two.C99Preprocessor.Cpp_Null_Stmt.


fparser2 includes a file. This file contains the base classes (discussed in the Base classes section), the fparser2-specific exceptions (discussed in the Exceptions section), a list of extensions (see previous section) and a tree-walk utility that can be used to traverse the AST produced by fparser2 for a valid Fortran program.


the tree-walk utility currently fails if the parent node of the tree is provided. The solution is to provide the parent’s children. This should be fixed at some point.


In order to simplify the problem of parsing code containing potentially complex expressions, fparser2 performs some limited tokenisation of a string before proceeding to attempt to match it. Currently, this tokenisation replaces three different types of quantity with simple names:

  1. the content of strings;

  2. expressions in parentheses;

  3. literal constants involving exponents (e.g. 1.0d-3)

This tokenisation is performed by the string_replace_map function:

fparser.common.splitline.string_replace_map(*args, **kwargs)[source]

In turn, this function uses splitquote and splitparen (in the same module) to split a supplied string into quanties within quotes or parentheses, respectively. The matching for literal constants involving exponents is implemented using a regular expression.

string_replace_map is used in the match() method of many of the classes that implement the various language rules. Note that the tokenisation must be undone before passing a given string on to a child class (or returning it). This is performed using the reverse-map that string_replace_map returns, e.g.:

line, repmap = string_replace_map(string)
type_spec = Declaration_Type_Spec(repmap(line[:i].rstrip()))

(The reverse map is an instance of fparser.common.splitline.StringReplaceDict which subclasses`dict` and makes it callable.)

Expression matching

The Fortran2003 rules specify a hierarchy of expressions (specified in levels). In summary:

R722 expr is [ expr defined-binary-op ] level-5-expr
R717 level-5-expr is [ level-5-expr equiv-op ] equiv-operand
R716 equiv-operand is [ equiv-operand or-op ] or-operand
R715 or-operand is [ or-operand and-op ] and-operand
R714 and-operand is [ not-op ] level-4-expr
R712 level-4-expr is [ level-3-expr rel-op ] level-3-expr
R710 level-3-expr is [ level-3-expr concat-op ] level-2-expr
R706 level-2-expr is [[level-2-expr] add_op ] add-operand
R705 add-operand is [ add-operand mult-op ] mult-operand
R704 mult-operand is level-1-expr [ power-op mult-operand ]
R702 level-1-expr is [ defined-unary-op ] primary

As can hopefully be seen, the “top level” rule is expr, this depends on a level-5_expr, which depends on an equiv-operand and so on in a hierarchy in the order listed.

Fparser2 naturally follows this hierarchy, attempting to match in the order specified. This works well apart from one case, which is the matching of a Level-2 expression:

R706 level-2-expr is [[level-2-expr] add_op ] add-operand

The problem is to do with falsely matching an exponent in a literal. Take the following example:

a - 1.0e-1

When searching for a match, the following pattern is a valid candidate and will be the candidate used in fparser2 as fparser2 matches from the right hand side of a string by default:

level-2-expr = "a - 1.0e"
add-op = "-"
add-operand = "1"

As expected, this would fail to match, due to the level-2 expression (“a - 1.0e”) being invalid. However, once R706 failed to match it would not be called again as fparser2 follows the rule hierarchy mentioned earlier. Therefore fparser2 would fail to match this string.

To solve this problem, fparser2 performs limited tokenisation of a string before attempting to perform a match. Amongst other things, this tokenisation replaces any numerical constants containing exponents with simple symbols (see Tokenisation for more details). For the example above this means that the code being matched would now look like:


which is readily matched as a level-2 expression.

Continuous Integration

GitHub Actions are used to run the test suite for a number of different Python versions and the coverage reports are uploaded automatically to CodeCov ( The configuration for this is in the .github/workflows/unit-tests.yml file.

In addition, an Action is also used check that all of the code conforms to Black ( formatting. It is up to the developer to ensure that this passes (e.g. by running black locally and committing the results). Note that it is technically possibly to have the Action actually make the changes and commit them but this was found to break the Github review process since the automated commit is not permitted to trigger further Actions and this then leaves GitHub thinking that the various checks have not run.

Automatic Packaging

A GitHub Action ( is also used to automate the process of uploading a new release of fparser to the Python Package Index (pypi). This action is configured in the .github/workflows/python_publish.yml file and is triggered by the creation of a new release on GitHub.

Test Fixtures

Various pytest fixtures ( are provided so as to aid in the mock-up of a suitable environment in which to run tests. These are defined in two/tests/





Sets-up the class hierarchy for the Fortran2003 parser.



Sets-up the class hierarchy for the Fortran2003 parser and returns the top-level Program object.


Removes all stored symbol tables.


Creates a fake scoping region and associated symbol table.

Performance Benchmark

The fparser scripts folder contains a benchmarking script to assess the performance of the parser by generating a synthetic Fortran file with multiple subroutines and the associated subroutine calls. It can be executed with the following command:
